Monday, June 11, 2012

Subscribe and save

Hi everyone! It's been a busy past few days; Kevin's been working a lot, so I haven't really had the time to sit and write. I've been thinking though, I should put a list of what to buy (more, really, what I buy) from Amazon's subscribe and save service. This will seriously save you money, and all you have to do is sit on your butt and order it. If you're a Prime member, the items will be shipped to you for FREE. Who doesn't like free shipping? Here's what I buy:

1. Tampons. Because we all know, as soon as Aunt Flo is in the building, the last thing we want to do is leave the house to buy tampons that we've been forgetting to buy. So usually, our poor husbands/fiances/significant others have to run to the store for an emergency tampon and Ben and Jerry's run, while we sit in our PJ's and watch re-runs of Desperate Housewives. So this one actually saves them, too.

2. Diapers. I really hate buying diapers. You know why? I go into CVS for diapers and come out with diapers, Doritos, weight loss supplements, and a card for whoever's birthday is in 10 months. Why?!?! Because I can. So buying diapers online saves you money not only on diapers, but on all that other useless crap you don't need.

3. Cat food and litter. This is a money saver. About $2-3, on the food alone. This also helps because you don't look like a complete idiot trying to lift the food/litter into your cart at the store, then denying help so you don't look like a weakling (I'm very guilty of this). And, like I said, I don't have to run to Petco, because regular grocery stores don't carry my little kitten's food.

That's all I have for now. But, there are many other things you can get from subscribe and save, like laundry detergent, dish detergent, and other things you need around your home. See you next time!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Baby on a Budget Part 2

So, I realized I missed a few pointers in my last post. So, here's a few more tips.

1. Buy store brand. Your little one won't notice the difference if you're using Target-brand baby shampoo or Acme brand baby food.

2. Take advantage of sales, especially BOGO. Most baby food doesn't expire for a long time, and diapers will last as long as you make them last.

3. Save on child care. If you're working, see if a family member can take your little one for at least one of the days you work. Even if you pay them, it will cost you much less than a babysitter or day care. If this can't happen, see if a family friend would be willing to watch your little one for a low cost.

4. Go to the park. Yes, go to the park. Kids don't need to go to some huge play place or have their own swingset. They will be quite happy to talk a walk or bike ride (or even drive) to the park with mom.

5. If you haven't had your baby yet, consider using just a portable crib (Pack and Play) for, or co-sleeping with, your baby. Babies don't NEED cribs. My mother-in-law bought Ava's crib, thank goodness. She's a saint!

6. Only buy what you need. Your baby won't need 50 bottles, 73 spoons, 46 sippy cups, and 5 cans of formula. Buy what you need, and restock later on if you need to.

7. Share. Give your toddler what you eat, like bread, milk, fruit and veggies. These are a few examples. Now, don't take that too literally; you don't want your little one eating chips and drinking sodas and beer!

8. Use your own hand-me-downs (when appropriate). Ava loves reading books that I loved to read when I was a baby, and playing with some of my old toys. We even watch some of my VHS's (yes, I said VHS!) from when I was little. This keeps mementos that your parents obviously wanted to keep, in the family. Don't even think of using your old carseat, though! I also wouldn't recommend an old crib.

9. If it's possible, don't make your child a seperate meal from what you're having. This is a little tough for us, because of Ava's food allergies, but we make do where we can. This will not only help you to eat healthier (unless you want your child eating McDonald's and other junk... admit it, you're probably not the healthiest eater ever [I know I'm not]) and save you money by just making one big dish for the whole family. This will also help teach your child that you won't cater to them by making their own meals every night. Ava LOVES eating the same thing as us.

10. Don't believe all the high-priced "baby-specific" brands. Sure, some of the products specifically aimed at babies should be used, like shampoo for example, but you don't need to always buy "baby brands."

Baby on a budget

This doesn't need to happen!

Here's some more tips. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but we're on a budget around here. With only 1 paycheck coming in per week, we have to restrict some of our spending. Unfortunately, I've been spending too much money on groceries lately, so I'm looking for ways to cut down. Anywho, here are some tips for saving money with a baby/toddler around.

1. TAKE HAND-ME-DOWNS. You are NOT too good to use things that are second-(or third-... or fourth-)hand. Most of Ava's clothes are hand-me-downs or gifts. Same goes for her toys.

2. (No, I'm not being paid... I wish!) They have a great program called Amazon Mom, which gives you extra discounts on baby items. They also have a program called Subscribe and Save, where you set up deliveries every 1-6 months on certain items, like diapers. I also use it for kitty food and litter. Oh, and tampons. Was that TMI?

3. Water down. Pediatricians recommend you water down babies' and toddlers' juices; this is smart for their health and your wallet. I always go half juice, half water in Ava's cups. then, when her juice has half left in the jug, I fill the rest with water. You get two times the life in your juice. I wouldn't recommend this for milk, though.

4. Split in half. A lot of babies and toddlers won't eat a full serving of whatever you give them. Ava loves eating bread, but she rarely finishes a full piece. So, I split it in half and give it to her. Also, save all leftovers that your kiddo has left. If your little one is just beginning solids, spoon out half of the puree into a bowl. That way, you don't have to throw away the whole container if they don't finish it.

5. Join a wholesale club. I made a trip to BJ's recently, and got a 6-pack of Gerber Puffs for around $6. They also sell diapers and formula and other baby food, but I never used formula, got baby food from my grocery store (before I was enlightened to BJ's), and I get my diapers on Amazon.

6. Use Luvs, if you want to use disposable diapers. They are the same thing as Pampers (made by the same company), for less money. I have never had a problem with Luvs. Some moms I know use store-brand diapers, but I'm afraid to try them (ha!).

7. Get your wipes and diapers at Wal-Mart if you can't use Amazon. I got a 3-pack of Wal-Mart brand wipes (72 wipes per container) for around $5. I also got 108 size 4 Luvs for $20.

8. Sign up for formula samples from all the companies you can think of, even if you are (or are planning to) breastfeeding. Not all plans for breastfeeding work out. Sometimes, they offer these in your OB's office, sometimes they don't. You will also get coupons for formula to use in the future. Here's a few links to sign up for the clubs. BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT KIT

9. Sign up for WIC if you need to. Swallow your pride, and if you need help, get to WIC. They will give you checks for each month for what you need for yourself (if you're breastfeeding or pregnant) and your baby/toddler (extends up to age 5). If you REALLY need help, sign up for SNAP (AKA food stamps).

10. Sign up for birthday clubs. Stores that have birthday clubs will send you a coupon each year for your child's birthday. This way, you can get a discount on birthday gifts.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Top Ten Things NOT to Buy for a Baby/Toddler

This is completely random, but I wish somebody had told me this. These things are a complete waste of money (at least for me); they're in no particular order.

1. White clothing (other than onesies)-they WILL get ruined. Now that Ava's older, she ruins the clothes with food or dirt. When she was a tiny baby, she'd ruin them with spitup. Avoid totally white clothing.

2. Extremely fancy, flashy, or electronic toys (at least when baby's young)-up until Ava was about 10 months, she would be quite content just playing with blocks, stuffed animals, and rattles. She was actually a little scared of the toys that made music and lights. In fact, I'd avoid toys all together until your little one is old enough to understand a toy.

3. A ton of hair bows (for girls)-Ava hated wearing bows on her head. Luckily, I only bought a pack of 3 before she was born, and the rest we had were hand-me-downs. I'd start with, like me, a pack of 3 or so, and see how your baby girl likes them. If she hates them, you didn't blow a ton of money on bows you'll never use; if she doesn't mind them, you can always buy more!

4. Big puffy bodysuit-like winter gear-These are great if you're just going outside, going for a walk, or something that doesn't involve a car seat. But, these things are very dangerous in a carseat. They take up extra room, but compress in an accident, which will give the same effect as if the straps were very loose on your baby. Your little one will be perfectly fine strapped in with a warm blanket covering him or her, and a nice hat.

Don't use this in a car seat!
5. 8 billion stuffed animals-of course I'm exaggerating, but still... I think I bought Ava one or two stuffed animals, and got a ton from my baby shower and my existing collection at my mom's house. Guess what? Most of them are sitting on a shelf, collecting dust. Sure, they look nice, but they're kind of a waste of space. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate getting them as gifts, I just wouldn't buy many myself. A lot of people have the idea that they'll decorate their baby's crib with them, but that's actually unsafe for the baby.

6. Speaking of crib safety, bedding sets-These sets usually come with a comforter, bumpers, a window valence and sheets for the baby. The only thing you should use are the sheets (I never used the valence, but you may choose to). Bumpers and comforters are very unsafe for babies due to the risk of suffocation. If you absolutely need a bumper, get a BreathableBaby bumper. They keep baby from sticking his or her legs through the crib slats, but if baby rolls into them, they can still breathe. Sleepsacks or even regular pajamas should be sufficient for keeping your little one warm at night.

7. A bunch of pacifiers-some babies like the hospital pacifiers (Soothies), some don't like pacifiers, and some like a certain brand. Ava hated pacifiers. I'd say just see how your baby reacts to the hospital pacifiers, and go from there. If they don't like them, feel free to try another brand, but be warned that your money may be going to waste. I know mine did.

8. Expensive "baby" laundry detergent-don't buy into it. Just buy a free and clear detergent (Purex is great, for a low cost). This is especially great if your baby ends up having very sensitive skin, like Ava did (she has eczema).

9. Diaper pail-if you go grocery shopping, you probably come home with enough bags to wrap dirty diapers in until your next shopping trip. Just wrap poop (or pee, if you're sensitive to the smell) diapers in a regular plastic shopping bag and throw it in the trash. This is also a great way to get rid of the ton of plastic bags you have no other use for.

10. Shoes (until your little one is walking, or learning to walk)-shoes on babies are cute, sure, but they're honestly a waste of money. $20 for a pair of shoes that baby will never even touch the floor? No thanks. Socks will keep your little one's feet warm and comfy enough until they're ready to start cruising.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5th update

Hey, whoever's reading this (whether it's nobody, or somebody...)! I'm getting better at this blogging at least once a month thing, right? ;)

Anyways, today was a good day. My mom and I found a florist to do the wedding, so check that off the list! Here's what I have done so far: Bought my dress
                                                          Booked the officiant
                                                          Booked the venue (ceremony and reception at the same place!)
                                                          Booked a DJ
                                                          Honeymoon is almost booked
                                                          Booked the florist
                                                          Made an appointment for bridesmaids dresses
                                                          Sent out Save the Dates
                                                          Booked the photographer
                                                          Ordered the photo booth
...That's it so far.

Oh, and guess what? I've lost 12 and a half pounds in the last 3-4 months! Even I can say (hopefully without sounding conceited) that I look great! I wasn't exactly "heavy" or overweight before, but I definitely wasn't thin. I hated the way I looked and honestly it made me sad. So I decided to do something about it. I'd put up my weight loss photos but I'm sure you don't want to see me in my underwear (especially in the before pictures!) I'm so proud of myself. I got motivated and pushed myself, and it worked. I fell off the wagon for like 2 weeks but I'm back on. I'm cutting calories and working out. I started with doing workouts I found on fitness blogs, then started doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred, but it made me miserable and I HATED doing it. Why do exercise you don't enjoy? Thankfully, I have the Wii Fit, which I've been using. I love it! It's so fun, and it works you out, so why not? I also stopped drinking soda; water and seltzer for me!

Ava's been doing well, too. She got sick last week, and wanted to lay in bed with me all day. Is it mean to say I enjoyed it? I got to be a bum all day, and I snuggled with my baby all day too. I missed cuddling with her. She's been walking all over and loves bothering our new cat (yes, new cat; or should I say, kitten) and watching Elmo. She loves both of them. In fact, we named the kitten Bo, after the funny way Ava calls Elmo "Mo". Unfortunately, she likes picking Bo up by the neck... and tail. She also likes to hit the cat; I can't get her to stop! She also likes eating bread. A lot. And nothing on it! Just plain bread. That's my healthy girl!

I better go, it's time to watch Unsolved Mysteries, have a small snack, do my night time yoga, and go to bed. G'nite everyone!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I just realized...

I forgot to add details about Ava's birthday (party)! I hadn't realized it's been this long since I've blogged. We had a great time and she loved her gifts. Many friends and family came, including some I haven't seen in a long time. I'll post some pictures of her party. 

It's been a long time... again.

Hi everyone (whoever may be reading this)! I just can't keep up with this blog, I'm so busy! Cooking, cleaning, taking care of a baby and a fiance... Being a stay at home mom isn't easy.

Anywho, this week is national food allergy awareness week. I wish I knew how to get involved, what with Ava being allergic to milk, eggs, and peanuts. I wish I could get involved somehow because, before I had Ava, I didn't even know people could be allergic to milk, eggs, or numerous other types of food. The only food allergy I knew about was the allergy to nuts, which my uncle has. I guess that's where Ava gets her peanut allergy, my side. Honestly, it's a pain in the ass to cook for a kid with food allergies. Not to mention expensive. And inconvenient. I have to read the label of every food I buy her to make sure there's no milk or eggs. Can you believe chicken nuggets have milk in them? It's also pretty sad. I wish I could buy my baby an ice cream or macaroni and cheese. Or even give her mashed potatoes. Luckily, I've found some delicious vegan recipes and there are replacements for usually dairy-centered foods (soy/coconut milk ice cream, "mac and no cheese"/mac and cheeze, etc.), but as I said, these products are usually twice as expensive as the regular stuff.

What else is new? Hmmm. The wedding! We're getting pretty far in the wedding. I have my dress, the venue, photographer, and officiant are booked, we know where we're going on the honeymoon (just haven't paid the deposit yet) and I'm currently looking into DJs, florists, limos, and hotels for our guests. Soon I will have to contact the venue for a tasting (they provide all of the food) and more money toward the payment. So I will be able to do invitations soon! I also have my bridesmaids going to David's Bridal in mid-June to get fitted and pick out dresses. But... back to the honeymoon! We will be going to Paradise Stream resort in Mt. Pocono (about 2 hours from home) for 3 nights and staying in a room with a champagne glass-shaped jacuzzi, personal heart-shaped pool, 2 floors, champagne, horse-back riding, ice-skating, and so much more! I am so excited. We're going not too far away for not too long because we don't want to be away from Ava for too long.

It's been pretty beautiful around here lately, and today I took Ava for a walk, which tired her out, so she took an early nap! Yay! I got a chance to clean the crap out of the kitchen and am about to start folding laundry. There's never a lazy day for me (maybe that's why I'm so looking forward to this honeymoon-I get to go to sleep and wake up when I want, and NO CHORES!) Ava's also been going for bike rides with daddy every day now, which she loves. It also gives me some alone time to get more stuff done (or [don't tell Kevin] just relax and be lazy for half an hour).

I also want to add that since starting my weight loss journey 2-3 months ago, I have lost 12 pounds! I look so much better than I did. I'm much more toned everywhere, now I just need to get rid of my "pooch". I've been watching calories and exercising almost every day, and it's paid off. In fact, my future sister-in-law made my day yesterday by telling me how much thinner I look!

Well, I better sign off and start folding this laundry... it's not going to fold itself. Maybe I should invent that; a machine that folds clothes and puts them away for you. Or maybe that's a robot... I don't know, I'm rambling. See ya later!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A long overdue update!

Hi everyone! So it's been a while and I reaaallly wanted to update. First off, Kevin and I got our own apartment! We moved in the weekend before Halloween, when it snowed (it hasn't really snowed since... this weather is wacky). That was pretty stressful, what with painting, buying stuff to put in the apartment, etc... Anyways, the apartment belongs to Kevin's sister's boyfriend. He was having trouble paying his mortgage (he owns the building), so Kevin offered to move in, and Sean (the owner) move to the basement attached to this apartment. We have been doing well, groceries are expensive, as to be expected with a man with a huge appetite. The shower in the basement has not been finished though, therefore Sean has to come up to our apartment to take a shower. Not the best, but I can't complain-the guy's giving us a place to live! Sean and Jess (Kevin's sister) are planning to move to Brigantine, NJ, where Sean has a shore house, around September, when Kevin's best friend Jim is hoping to rent out the basement. I think by then the shower and kitchen should be installed down there.

And now about the light of my life. Ava has been crawling everywhere and getting into everything! She got some new, big toys for her first Christmas, which was so much fun (I made Christmas dinner!). She loves them. She's getting a little bit closer to walking... cruising furniture and using little baby walkers. She even stands by herself for like 3 seconds.

And I can't forget to mention that Ava will be turning 1 in 19 days! I cannot believe it. When moms say time flies, they mean it. I feel like yesterday, I was holding her in the hospital, nursing her for 3 hours straight (oh, that was fun). Her birthday is on Superbowl Sunday this year, so we'll be holding her birthday party the day before at Kevin's mom's house. I will have to make her her own personal cake/cupcake though, because she's allergic to milk =(. I feel so bad, there's so many good things that other kids can eat, that she can't. Hopefully she'll outgrow her allergy by the time she's older. I can't imagine being a kid and not being able to eat Oreos with milk.

Oh, and guess what?! Kevin proposed!!!! He asked me to marry him on the night of our 5th anniversary of him asking me to be his girlfriend, when we were 13 and 15. Oh, how we've changed. But we've stayed together and now we're getting married on November 3rd of this year. It's crazy, nobody believed me when I was 14 and saying I was going to marry this guy, and now it's happening. I always knew I would marry him.

Anywho, I should get off this computer... I'm dead tired, because Ava's been teething and is awake half the night, screaming... I should take a nap while she does. Hopefully I'll update soon!