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This doesn't need to happen! |
Here's some more tips. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but we're on a budget around here. With only 1 paycheck coming in per week, we have to restrict some of our spending. Unfortunately, I've been spending too much money on groceries lately, so I'm looking for ways to cut down. Anywho, here are some tips for saving money with a baby/toddler around.
1. TAKE HAND-ME-DOWNS. You are NOT too good to use things that are second-(or third-... or fourth-)hand. Most of Ava's clothes are hand-me-downs or gifts. Same goes for her toys.
2. Amazon.com. (No, I'm not being paid... I wish!) They have a great program called Amazon Mom, which gives you extra discounts on baby items. They also have a program called Subscribe and Save, where you set up deliveries every 1-6 months on certain items, like diapers. I also use it for kitty food and litter. Oh, and tampons. Was that TMI?
3. Water down. Pediatricians recommend you water down babies' and toddlers' juices; this is smart for their health and your wallet. I always go half juice, half water in Ava's cups. then, when her juice has half left in the jug, I fill the rest with water. You get two times the life in your juice. I wouldn't recommend this for milk, though.
4. Split in half. A lot of babies and toddlers won't eat a full serving of whatever you give them. Ava loves eating bread, but she rarely finishes a full piece. So, I split it in half and give it to her. Also, save all leftovers that your kiddo has left. If your little one is just beginning solids, spoon out half of the puree into a bowl. That way, you don't have to throw away the whole container if they don't finish it.
5. Join a wholesale club. I made a trip to BJ's recently, and got a 6-pack of Gerber Puffs for around $6. They also sell diapers and formula and other baby food, but I never used formula, got baby food from my grocery store (before I was enlightened to BJ's), and I get my diapers on Amazon.
6. Use Luvs, if you want to use disposable diapers. They are the same thing as Pampers (made by the same company), for less money. I have never had a problem with Luvs. Some moms I know use store-brand diapers, but I'm afraid to try them (ha!).
7. Get your wipes and diapers at Wal-Mart if you can't use Amazon. I got a 3-pack of Wal-Mart brand wipes (72 wipes per container) for around $5. I also got 108 size 4 Luvs for $20.
8. Sign up for formula samples from all the companies you can think of, even if you are (or are planning to) breastfeeding. Not all plans for breastfeeding work out. Sometimes, they offer these in your OB's office, sometimes they don't. You will also get coupons for formula to use in the future. Here's a few links to sign up for the clubs.
http://www.enfamil.com BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT KIT
9. Sign up for WIC if you need to. Swallow your pride, and if you need help, get to WIC. They will give you checks for each month for what you need for yourself (if you're breastfeeding or pregnant) and your baby/toddler (extends up to age 5). If you REALLY need help, sign up for SNAP (AKA food stamps).
10. Sign up for birthday clubs. Stores that have birthday clubs will send you a coupon each year for your child's birthday. This way, you can get a discount on birthday gifts.
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